35 research outputs found

    Sublattices of lattices of convex subsets of vector spaces

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    For a left vector space V over a totally ordered division ring F, let Co(V) denote the lattice of convex subsets of V. We prove that every lattice L can be embedded into Co(V) for some left F-vector space V. Furthermore, if L is finite lower bounded, then V can be taken finite-dimensional, and L embeds into a finite lower bounded lattice of the form Co(V,Z)={XZXCo(V)}Co(V,Z)=\{X\cap Z | X\in Co(V)\}, for some finite subset ZZ of VV. In particular, we obtain a new universal class for finite lower bounded lattices

    Sublattices of lattices of order-convex sets, I. The main representation theorem

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    For a partially ordered set P, we denote by Co(P) the lattice of order-convex subsets of P. We find three new lattice identities, (S), (U), and (B), such that the following result holds. Theorem. Let L be a lattice. Then L embeds into some lattice of the form Co(P) iff L satisfies (S), (U), and (B). Furthermore, if L has an embedding into some Co(P), then it has such an embedding that preserves the existing bounds. If L is finite, then one can take P finite, of cardinality at most 2n25n+42n^2-5n+4, where n is the number of join-irreducible elements of L. On the other hand, the partially ordered set P can be chosen in such a way that there are no infinite bounded chains in P and the undirected graph of the predecessor relation of P is a tree

    Mitochondriotropic and Cardioprotective Effects of Triphenylphosphonium-Conjugated Derivatives of the Diterpenoid Isosteviol

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    Mitochondria play a crucial role in the cell fate; in particular, reducing the accumulation of calcium in the mitochondrial matrix offers cardioprotection. This affect is achieved by a mild depolarization of the mitochondrial membrane potential, which prevents the assembly and opening of the mitochondrial permeability transition pore. For this reason, mitochondria are an attractive target for pharmacological interventions that prevent ischaemia/reperfusion injury. Isosteviol is a diterpenoid created from the acid hydrolysis of Steviarebaudiana Bertoni (fam. Asteraceae) glycosides that has shown protective effects against ischaemia/reperfusion injury, which are likely mediated through the activation of mitochondrial adenosine tri-phosphate (ATP)-sensitive potassium (mitoKATP) channels. Some triphenylphosphonium (triPP)-conjugated derivatives of isosteviol have been developed, and to evaluate the possible pharmacological benefits that result from these synthetic modifications, in this study, the mitochondriotropic properties of isosteviol and several triPP-conjugates were investigated in rat cardiac mitochondria and in the rat heart cell line H9c2. This study's main findings highlight the ability of isosteviol to depolarize the mitochondrial membrane potential and reduce calcium uptake by the mitochondria, which are typical functions of mitochondrial potassium channel openings. Moreover, triPP-conjugated derivatives showed a similar behavior to isosteviol but at lower concentrations, indicative of their improved uptake into the mitochondrial matrix. Finally, the cardioprotective property of a selected triPP-conjugated derivative was demonstrated in an in vivo model of acute myocardial infarct

    Multicriteria Approach to Assessing Quality of Life Population the Krasnoyarsk Region on Basis of Generalized Desirability Function

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    В статье рассмотрен подход к оценке качества жизни населения муниципальных территорий Красноярского края на основе обобщённой функции желательности. Функция желательности Харрингтона успешно применяется при решении оптимизационных задач в различных областях исследований. В положительных свойствах исследователи отмечают непрерывность, монотонность и гладкость, то есть свойства, необходимые для свёртки разнородной информации. К недостаткам относят субъективизм (при назначении шкалы или весовых коэффициентов) и разнородность информации (по скорости изменений или значимости признаков), подвергающейся свёртке. Исследование материала проводилось с помощью статистического анализа демографических, социальных, экологических, экономических, данных здравоохранения с 2017 по 2021 годы, математического метода – обобщённой функции желательности. Данная методика позволила оценить качество жизни населения Красноярского края по 30 показателям. Исходные данные взяты с официального сайта Федеральной службы государственной статистики, Министерства экологии и рационального природопользования Красноярского края. Многокритериальный подход позволяет комплексно оценить качество жизни населения региона и сравнить выбранные территории. В результате исследования с помощью обобщённой функции желательности был получен рейтинг муниципальных районов Красноярского края по качеству жизни, который отображён через геоинформационную систему QGIS. Показатель качества жизни населения в пяти муниципальных образованиях края: Абанском, Боготольском, Идринском, Каратузском и Краснотуранском можно считать хорошим, в диапазон с плохим (низким) показателем качества жизни попали Тасеевский и Березовский районы, во всех остальных муниципальных образованиях данный показатель можно считать удовлетворительным. Анализ качества жизни по макрорегионам показал неоднородность уровня для входящих в них муниципальных округов. Наиболее высокие средние значения параметра отмечены в Южном и Западном, во всех остальных макрорегионах средние значения можно считать удовлетворительными. Для сохранения человеческого капитала на территории края необходимо улучшать качество окружающей среды, улучшать демографическую ситуацию, повышать уровень и качество медицинского обслуживания. Практическая значимость работы заключается в выявлении социально-экологического рейтинга муниципальных образований территории Красноярского края, на основе которого могут быть реализованы мероприятия, направленные на улучшение качества жизни населения Красноярского краяThe article considers an approach assessing quality of life population municipal territories of Krasnoyarsk region on basis of generalized desirability function. The Harrington’s desirability function is successfully used in solving optimization problems in various fields of research. In positive qualities, scientists mark continuity, monotony and smoothness, i.e. qualities necessary for convolution of dissimilar information. Subjectivism (when assigning scales or weighting coefficients) and diversity of information (in terms of the rate of change or significance of features) undergoing convolution are disadvantages. Material was studied using statistical analysis of demographic, social, environmental, economic and health data from 2017 to 2021, a mathematical method – generalized desirability function. This technique made it possible to assess quality of life population Krasnoyarsk Territory by 30 parameters. Source data is taken from official website of Federal State Statistics Service, Ministry Environment and Rational Management of the Krasnoyarsk Krai. Multicriteria approach makes it possible to comprehensively assess the quality to life for population in region and compare selected territories. As a consequence of the study, using generalized desirability function, a rating of municipal districts of the Krasnoyarsk Territory in terms of quality of life was obtained, which is shown through the geographic information system QGIS. The indicator quality of life population in five municipalities of the krai: Abansky, Bogotolsky, Idrinsky, Karatuzsky and Krasnoturansky can be considered good, Taseyevsky and Berezovsky districts fell into the range with a poor (low) indicator of quality life, in all other municipalities this indicator can be considered satisfactory. Analysis quality of life by macro-regions showed diversity of indicator for municipal districts included in them. The highest average values of parameter are noted in Southern and Western regions, in all other macro-regions the average values can be considered satisfactory. In order to preserve human capital in territory of the region, it’s necessary to improve quality of environment, improve demographic situation, and improve quality of medical care. The practical significance concludes in identifying socio-ecological and economic rating municipalities of the Krasnoyarsk Territory, on basis of which measures will can be taken to improve quality life of studied regio

    A Genome-Wide Meta-Analysis of Six Type 1 Diabetes Cohorts Identifies Multiple Associated Loci

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    Diabetes impacts approximately 200 million people worldwide, of whom approximately 10% are affected by type 1 diabetes (T1D). The application of genome-wide association studies (GWAS) has robustly revealed dozens of genetic contributors to the pathogenesis of T1D, with the most recent meta-analysis identifying in excess of 40 loci. To identify additional genetic loci for T1D susceptibility, we examined associations in the largest meta-analysis to date between the disease and ∼2.54 million SNPs in a combined cohort of 9,934 cases and 16,956 controls. Targeted follow-up of 53 SNPs in 1,120 affected trios uncovered three new loci associated with T1D that reached genome-wide significance. The most significantly associated SNP (rs539514, P = 5.66×10−11) resides in an intronic region of the LMO7 (LIM domain only 7) gene on 13q22. The second most significantly associated SNP (rs478222, P = 3.50×10−9) resides in an intronic region of the EFR3B (protein EFR3 homolog B) gene on 2p23; however, the region of linkage disequilibrium is approximately 800 kb and harbors additional multiple genes, including NCOA1, C2orf79, CENPO, ADCY3, DNAJC27, POMC, and DNMT3A. The third most significantly associated SNP (rs924043, P = 8.06×10−9) lies in an intergenic region on 6q27, where the region of association is approximately 900 kb and harbors multiple genes including WDR27, C6orf120, PHF10, TCTE3, C6orf208, LOC154449, DLL1, FAM120B, PSMB1, TBP, and PCD2. These latest associated regions add to the growing repertoire of gene networks predisposing to T1D

    Image of Siberia in Artist Aleskander Surikovs Works

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    This article is devoted to research in works of Siberian artist, Aleksandr Surikov (born in Irkutsk, lives and works in Krasnoyarsk). It contains reference to creative biography of the author: academic background and key exhibition projects. The article represents main artistic traditions, which the painter followed: Dadaism, futurism, primitive paintings, Art Brut, new British Art and some others. The artists creative works are considered in fusion with poetic, pictorial and graphic pieces of his. Research in the painters creative works resulted in distinguishing main creative techniques and principles forming the ground for the majority of his works. The image of Siberia is not expressly revealed in Aleksandr Surikovs works: you will not see landscapes (the genre traditionally favoured by Siberian authors) as well as other direct indicators to the local flavour of his pieces of art. The Siberian finds its way in Surikovs works through a modern meaning. Thus, the image of a modern Siberia is decoded in the article, while the works themselves are interpreted from the point how a modern Siberian artist reconsiders the word around him. In Aleksandr Surikova works, Siberia is not indicative mountains, texture forests or mighty characters, it is layouts of a Siberian city infrastructure, distinctive city markers, it is global processes holding in the modern world, where a distinct differentiation between a local and universal flavour is gradually dissolving, where a Siberian artists can start a dialogue with any modern world artist on the Internet- Museum. In the article, researching into the image of Siberia is focused on studying two main series in his creative works: the New city series devoted to testing the aesthetic potential of a Siberian city under construction in the beginning of the 21st century, and the Surikov 7 series, which is a modern interpretation of Vasiliy Ivanovich Surikovs masterpieces (classic of Siberian painting).Статья посвящена исследованию творчества сибирского художника Александра Сурикова (родился в г. Иркутске, живет и работает в г. Красноярске). Приведена информация о творческой биографии автора: образование и ключевые выставочные проекты. В статье проанализированы основные художественные традиции художника: дадаизм, футуризм, живопись примитивистов, арт-брют, новое британское искусство и некоторые другие. Творчество художника рассматривается в синтезе поэтических, живописных и графических произведений автора. Итогом исследования творчества художника становится определение основных творческих приемов и принципов, положенных в основу большинства его произведений. Образ Сибири в творчестве Александра Сурикова проявлен не буквально: среди его работ не встретишь пейзажей - жанра, в котором традиционно сильны сибирские авторы, - или иных «прямых» указателей на локальное. Сибирское в творчестве автора раскрывается совершенно в ином - современном - смысле. Таким образом, в статье дешифруется образ современной Сибири, произведения автора интерпретируются с точки зрения того, как современный сибирский художник переосмысливает окружающий его мир. Сибирь в творчестве Александра Сурикова - это не характерные горы, фактурные леса или могучие персонажи, а это раскладки инфраструктуры сибирского города, своеобразные городские маркеры, это фиксация глобальных процессов в современном мире, в котором стирается четкая грань между местным и повсеместным, в котором сибирский художник в музее-интернете может вступать в диалог с любым мировым современным художником. Исследование образа Сибири в статье сосредоточено на изучении двух центральных серий в творчестве художника: серии «Новый город», посвященной апробированию строящегося в начале XXI века сибирского города на эстетический потенциал, и «Суриков 7» - современной интерпретации произведений классика сибирской живописи Василия Ивановича Сурикова


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    For a partially ordered set P, let Co(P) denote the lattice of all order-convex subsets of P. For a positive integer n, we denote by SUB(LO) (resp., SUB(n)) the class of all lattices that can be embedded into a product of lattices of convex subsets of chains (resp., chains with at most n elements). We prove the following results: (1) Both classes SUB(LO) and SUB(n), for any positive integer n, are locally &#64257;nite, &#64257;nitely based varieties of lattices, and we &#64257;nd &#64257;nite equational bases of these varieties. (2) The variety SUB(LO) is the quasivariety join of all the varieties SUB(n), for 1 &#8804; n < \omega, and it has only countably many subvarieties. We classify these varieties, together with all the &#64257;nite subdirectly irreducible members of SUB(LO). (3) Every &#64257;nite subdirectly irreducible member of SUB(LO) is projective within SUB(LO), and every subquasivariety of SUB(LO) is a variety